Reclaim Your True

Break Free and Escape the Grip of Burnout’s Toll on Your Health and Success

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Sadly, burnout is so prevalent in Western societies. You want success and to do your best in life, but at what cost? You need change, but you fear that change will take time, energy, and money you already don’t have. You feel stuck. 

You’re stressed, overwhelmed, and can’t sleep. Maybe you’ve already developed debilitating physical conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, and more. 

Wherever you are on the burnout spectrum, learning to slow down and take care of yourself doesn’t have to be another stressor. Change can be done in a way that creates more balance in your life and gives you the freedom you so crave. Staying stuck may end up costing you your health and relationships.

Burn Out Affects Everyone

Do You Relate To These?

You’re stressed. Work is stressful. Being a super-parent is stressful. Staying fit is a burden.

You’re exhausted. At night, you’re tired, but your brain can’t stop. You can’t sleep. If only you could sleep.

You feel shame for not taking care of yourself. You have no energy and time to relax, for hobbies, and enjoy being with family and friends.

You’re anxious about staying on top of exercising, eating healthy, working hard, and parenting perfectly.

You’re afraid. You know that something has to change, but you feel like everything will fall apart if you let go of one thing.

You’ve overextended yourself helping others, but no one is coming to rescue you. 

Learn More

Online services that help you slow down and still achieve a lot


Flourish Counselling is a private practice based in British Columbia, Canada offering convenient online therapeutic counselling sessions. My approach focuses on supporting over-achievers, perfectionists, super-parents, weekend warriors, and whoever feels burned out.

Somatic and Trauma Therapy


Beyond basic talk therapy, I use experiential, somatic, and trauma therapy to get to the issue’s root cause. Let’s get underneath the surface and identify the driving forces that keep you stuck, tired, stressed, and longing for the change you want.

It’s Time to Thrive


When you can’t find joy in the way you live, look at what’s keeping you stuck. Let’s chat to thrive together.

let's chat

Let's Slow

I specialize in helping clients strike the perfect balance between productivity and taking the time to slow down and prioritize self-care. If you're eager to achieve your goals without sacrificing your well-being, I invite you to book a complimentary consultation call with me. Together, we can explore how my expertise can support you in maximizing your accomplishments while maintaining a healthy and sustainable approach to success.



"Naomi is compassionate, caring and full of life! She leads by example, and her commitment to her own healing journey has been inspiring. She is empathetic and present—a truly gifted listener. "

-Christa Huntley 


Naomi Galinski

RTC, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner in training, PhD Astrophysics

