Put yourself first and the rest will fall into place

You are enough as you are


Session Fees

Flourish Counselling adheres to the following policies and fee structure.

Payment Policy

Payment is due upon booking the session. A payment link will be sent to you within 24-hours through the booking system. You can pay by credit card.

Fees & Policies

$145 for 50 min individual online sessions. First session is 75 min for the same fee.

Extended Health Benefits

In Canada, some extended medical benefit providers cover a Registered Therapeutic Counsellors (RTC) designation with ACCT. 

In those cases, you’ll pay for your sessions upfront and submit the claim to get reimbursed by your provider later. If you’re unsure, take my license number RTC #2884 to your HR department or extended medical provider for pre-approval. 

If you are new to counselling/therapy, I suggest starting with four-week weekly sessions. It’s like trying to get fit at the gym. You won’t see results in just one session or if you leave too much time in between training sessions. To notice changes, it helps to build momentum with frequent sessions at the beginning. After four weeks, we will reassess the frequency of therapy that supports you.


How many sessions will I need?

How can you help if I’m in total burnout or chronically ill?

Can you help even if you don’t have first-hand experience with my issue?

What’s the difference between conventional talk therapy and what you do?

Do you offer in-person visits?


I work at the pace that works with your nervous system. If you are in total burnout or have a chronic condition, there is trauma—we all have some form of trauma. Somatic work is slow and steady not to overwhelm you further. Together we’ll explore what your nervous system needs to heal. Once you have more energy and capacity to feel your body, we can do deeper family system and trauma work.

How many sessions will I need?

How can you help if I’m in total burnout or chronically ill?

Can you help even if you don’t have first-hand experience with my issue?

What’s the difference between conventional talk therapy and what you do?

Do you offer in-person visits?


Doctors don’t have to have cancer to treat cancer. Chiropractors don’t need to be in a car accident to support someone and bring them back to alignment. Counselling/therapy is the same. Often, underneath the different stories, the human dilemma is universal. Whether you are a man, woman, employed, unemployed, single, married, or a parent, we all want to feel good enough, loved, and accepted as we are. We all want to feel more balanced, free, and joyful.

How many sessions will I need?

How can you help if I’m in total burnout or chronically ill?

Can you help even if you don’t have first-hand experience with my issue?

What’s the difference between conventional talk therapy and what you do?

Do you offer in-person visits?


In my eyes, talk therapy vs. somatic-based experiential therapy doesn’t have the same impact. Therapists or psychologists with a master’s or Ph.D. are textbook smart, but it’s not a given that they are comfortable in the realm of emotions. That requires the therapist to do their work to experience their emotional territory. Otherwise, therapists may be quick to get rid of the emotions instead of allowing them to tell their story of what you’re hanging on to from the past.

Emotions live in the body, so we need to feel them. When you experience what’s happening in your body, the changes happen faster and are more likely to stick.

I’ve done decades of my healing and continue to do so. The modalities I bring to our therapy sessions I’ve used for my healing and continue to practice for my emotional well-being.

How many sessions will I need?

How can you help if I’m in total burnout or chronically ill?

Can you help even if you don’t have first-hand experience with my issue?

What’s the difference between conventional talk therapy and what you do?

Do you offer in-person visits?

Naomi Galinski

RTC, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner in training, PhD Astrophysics


